
The four most notable shipping disasters on Swona are:

Croma (1899)

Pennsylvania (1931)

Gunnaren (1935) (shown)

Johanna Thorden (1937)

A full list is shown at the foot of the page


The story of the wreck and salvage of the Pennsyilvania

More info on the Pennsylvania 

Wreck Locations

Select a marker for more information on the incident and vessel.

Colour Legend:


A variety of sources have been used to build the list and place the locations of the wrecks or the location of the grounding. John Findlay's research (Swona Revisited) formed the basis for the comprehensive list of incidents and sense checking the locations, using press articles, official records and oral history. 

Marked up maps have formed the basis for the locations but have provided differfering accounts which has complicated the process.

Map Source 1

Map Source 2

A complete list of ships that have been wrecked or run aground on Swona is shown below: